Frankly, those were difficult years. But even in dark moments, I discovered that God provides grace. I began writing and speaking about how to stay positive and faith-filled in the face of life-altering change.
I have experienced the death of a spouse, mid-life divorce, children’s needs, losing a job, providing care to older parents, parents’ deaths, and a serious personal illness (which, thankfully, healed). I feel a deep empathy for others’ life transitions. It has influenced my writing and speaking and has enabled me to offer individual life coaching.
 | I have surely had as many joys as tribulations. One is long-distance bicycling. Another is grandchildren.
What a thrill when my grandson Jake wrote an essay for his sixth grade class and titled it,
“My seminar-giving, spiritual-writing, bicycle-riding, super-Grammy." Now Who could ask for a better endorsement than that? |