David Parks, Merit Packaging, "Hunger" Roundtable

* Hunger /verb/ Have a strong desire or craving for
* The greatest enemy of hunger is self satisfaction
* Are you hungry or satisfied in your comfort zone?

Join us for the October roundtable and discuss where hunger comes from, how to stay hungry and what creates the desires that motivate us.
David will donate $5.00 per person to my local food pantry for every SPI member and guest that attends.

Come participate with salesproskansascity members to collaborate to learn about David's topic "Hunger". Do we need it to drive us? Come find out and learn a new technique to increase sales! 

Breakfast $13; Network at 7:00 Meeting begins at 7:30

Upcoming Events & Speakers (7 - 8:30 AM):10.19 Ida Wiedel, Personally and Professionally Speaking, "The Art of Chit Chat"
11.2 "How Do You Get Referrals?" Roundtable led by Ken Praiswater, Ken Praiswater Construction

11.16 Cathy Newton, PRT Consulting Inc., 
Risk It!" 
12.07 "Linkedin" Roundtable led by Michael Montague, Sandler Training - bring your lap top

12.21 Dr. David Gulledge, Dr. Kyle Gulledge, Gulledge Family Wellness, "Stress Less - How Stress Affects Our Health"

1.18 Denise Mills, The Leaderfuel Center, "Success By Intent"